We process all complaints received, seeking solutions in conjunction with the different university bodies and services.
How can I file a complaint?
Complaints must be submitted to the University Ombudsman by the interested person or their authorised representative, duly identified.
Complaints are preferably submitted using the form provided for this purpose on the University Ombudsman’s website, in person at the Office of the University Ombudsman, or by mail via registered letter. They may also be filed with the General Registry of the University.
Who may file a complaint?
Any member of the University Community, whether individually or collectively, may address their queries and complaints to the University Ombudsman in writing. Communications should include your relevant personal details and mailing address and specify the reasons for contacting the University Ombudsman.
Filing a complaint with the University Ombudsman will not suspend any internal administrative resources or halt the periods established under law or by University Statutes and Regulations.
The University Ombudsman will not process:
- Anonymous complaints or reports
- Unsubstantiated requests
- Requests whose fulfilment may jeopardise the legitimate rights of any third parties
- Requests relevant to matters currently awaiting administrative or judicial proceedings
Actions shall be suspended if, once initiated, a claim or appeal is brought before the ordinary courts by an involved party.
Filing a complaint with the University Ombudsman is understood as a resource that may be used when the normal channels for addressing and solving extant problems have already been exhausted.
What is the procedure for handling complaints?
Complaints or reports should be submitted in written form, preferably using the form available on the University Ombudsman’s website, in person at the Office of the University Ombudsman, or by mail via registered letter. They may also be filed with the General Registry of the University. Complaints should include your relevant personal details, e-mail address, contact telephone number and mailing address.
It is important that the complaint be formulated as clearly as possible, indicating the reasons for which the complaint was made necessary. If there is any additional documentation relating to the subject matter at hand, it would be useful to include it.
All submitted written communications are recorded and assessed as to whether or not to process the complaint. Adequate reason will be provided should a complaint be rejected. Additionally, the relevant party will be informed of the most appropriate channels available for taking action should action be deemed necessary, although said party may opt for whichever course of action he or she considers most relevant. The aforementioned information will be communicated in writing to the persons concerned.
Should a complaint be formally processed, the University Ombudsman will initiate an investigation in order to clarify the facts relevant to the complaint. In order to do this, they are able to compile information necessary for their investigation, with all members of the university community obliged to cooperate and assist on a preferential and urgent basis.
The information gathered throughout the course of this investigation will be confidential, with the exception of anything the Ombudsman considers appropriate to include in their reports.
Once actions are carried out, they will inform the affected party of the outcome. If necessary, they will make recommendations for improvement to the relevant body in order to ensure that our services to society continue to be of the utmost quality.